Bolivian Recipes: Ají de Papalisa (Olluco, Ulluco, Melloco)

Ají de Papalisa is one of the most popular lunch dishes from Bolivia – and in fact, it is not that complicated to prepare. There are several variations of Ají de Papalisa, for example, you can also use sliced beef instead of ground beef. Of course, essential: the tasty Papalisa potato (which is also known as Olluco, Ulluco, or Melloco in other South American countries).
- For 2-3 people:
- Papalisa
300 g
- Boiled Potatoes
400 g
- Ground beef
- 2 cups of rice
1-2 teaspoons Ground Cumin / Cumin
2 large onions
- 2 teaspoons Ají Molido Rojo
- 500 ml vegetable or beef broth (e.g. broth cubes)
- Salz & Pfeffer
- Sunflower oil
1. In separate pots, the salted potatoes and the papalisa are brought to a boil together with water.
- 2. In a third pot, 2 cups of Basmati rice and one cup of water are added meanwhile.
- 3. The rice is now washed by hand in the water to release its starch and achieve a nice white color in the end.
- 4. Afterwards, the water is drained using a sieve, and this process is repeated once more with fresh water.
- 5. We fill the pot with rice with water for the third time and bring it to a boil, just like the two types of potatoes, adding a little salt.
- 6. The onions are chopped into small pieces and added to a pan with a little (sunflower) oil. Add 2 teaspoons of Ají Molido Rojo and some ground cumin (Comino Molido). The cumin can be freshly ground beforehand or purchased in ground form.
7. The ground beef is added and sautéed with the seasoned onions.
- 8. Next, add 500 ml of vegetable broth. If needed, beef broth can also be used.
- 9. The boiled salted potatoes go into a pot and are mashed. Afterwards, we do the same with the papalisa.
- 10. Now the individual ingredients just need to be combined: both potatoes are added to our pan. The ingredients are now stirred and cooked for a few more minutes. On a plate, the cooked rice is arranged – our Ají de Papalisa is added. Enjoy your meal!